Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Teaching Statement-by Dorothy Robbins


  Mission Statement

              Love is a powerful word that permeates our lives, saturating our minds with the fantastical
 possibilities it offers to our souls. As a teacher, I find myself driven by forces of cosmic intervention
 to impart to my students this one effectual act of feeling towards music. I wish to discover the seed of possibility that lies dormant inside each student which holds their potential for love and creativity and to nourish this seed so that it blossoms forth creating a comforting wholeness for my students to feel in their most base essence. To accomplish this great task I've set before myself, I utilize my own passion for music to inspire me to be continuously positive and encouraging force in the life of my students. I yearn for them to feel feel the all encompassing love for music that resonates to the core of my own being.
                        Too often in this chaotic world which is rife with distractions and negativity, we love sight as a society of the importance that joy and individual discovery holds in establishing a well rounded and adjusted individual. Instead we focus on rote activities, treating life like a step latter constantly moving upwards. In the name of efficiency we strike down exploration and play, and in our misguided efforts stifle the minds of children till they become shells of their true potential.
                      Imagination is the catalyst of love, through exploration and experimentation we create personalized attachments. As a teacher I encourage a student's individual self discovery, helping them to elicit their own path that will lead them to feel the undying everlasting love that pulses through the hearts of all others who have been allowed to experience the wonders and joys of music. I do not think there is one greater accomplishment as a teacher then to guide a student to the enchanted world of music and to ascertain their own unique love towards it. This love connects us as a society and provides a comfort that will never abandon you. When stripped of all explanation and intellectual scrutiny, my mission as a teacher is summed up thus: I wish to teach others how to love.

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