Monday, June 17, 2013

Temperament Theory Continued-Teaching the Idealist Child

III. Idealist Children
    •    Description
Idealists are my favorite children to work with. As a rational I find their imagination and freedom of emotions enchanting and inspiring. Idealist children work best with fantasy and display great passions of emotion even from an early age. They are easily excited and extremely enthusiastic. They possess a genuine and honest quality and are completely authentic in all their actions. They are very sensitive to the needs of others empathize easily.
    •    Example
Recently one of a female idealist teenage student became obsessed with Edvard Grieg. She feels a deep connection with his music, but even though she is very musical, there have been many difficulties in the past to get her to practice. Currently she is working on the piece “Puck” and to keep her focused on this difficult work, I devised a plan that would engage her imaginative side. I knew they she liked to write, so I decided to have her write a story to go with the piece. First I played the piece for her and had her act out the story she heard as if it were a movie. Then we began writing the story together and thinking of characters. I was amazed to see her practice increase each week as she became more and more involved with the piece on a deeper and more universally artistic level. Now I currently am having her work on a collage to go with the piece as well. She has never played better and all our previous conflicts with practice have disappeared all because of my willingness to allow her to fully immerse herself into fantasy and whimsy.

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